SPL House / Bernardo Bustamante Arquitectos
Year: 2022
Editorial: ArchDaily. May 10, 2022
Publication link:
- https://www.plataformaarquitectura.cl/cl/981112/casa-spl-bernardo-bustamante-arquitectos
Year: 2022
Editorial: Designboom. May 8, 2022
Publication link:
Bernardo Bustamante Arquitectos Designs 12-Meter-Long Cantilevered House On The Slopes Of Ecuador
Year: 2022
Editorial: World Architecture Community. May 13, 2022
Publication link:
Bernardo Bustamante Arquitectos combines eucalyptus and concrete in Quito home
Year: 2021
Editorial: Dezeen October 6, 2021
Publication link:
- https://www.dezeen.com/2021/10/06/casa-9b-bernardo-bustamante-arquitectos-quito-ecuador/
HOUSE 9B / Bernardo Bustamante Arquitectos
Year: 2021
Editorial: ArchDaily. July 12, 2021
Publication link:
House 9B in Quito, Ecuador by Bernardo Bustamante Arquitectos
Year: 2021
Editorial: AECC. November 5, 2021
Publication link:
Casa Benjamín Carrión fue rehabilitada y ahora será un centro cultural
Year: 2020
Editorial: El Comercio. 12 de noviembre del 2020
Link publication:
- https://www.elcomercio.com/app_public.php/tendencias/casa-benjamin-carrion-rehabilitada-cultura.html
Casa Benjamín Carrión fue rehabilitada y ahora será un centro cultural
Year: 2020
Editorial: El Comercio. 12 de noviembre del 2020
Link publication:
- https://www.elcomercio.com/app_public.php/tendencias/casa-benjamin-carrion-rehabilitada-cultura.html
Casa Benjamín Carrión fue rehabilitada y ahora será un centro cultural
Year: 2020
Editorial: El Comercio. 12 de noviembre del 2020
Link publication:
- https://www.elcomercio.com/app_public.php/tendencias/casa-benjamin-carrion-rehabilitada-cultura.html
Casa Benjamín Carrión fue rehabilitada y ahora será un centro cultural
Year: 2020
Editorial: El Comercio. 12 de noviembre del 2020
Link publication:
- https://www.elcomercio.com/app_public.php/tendencias/casa-benjamin-carrion-rehabilitada-cultura.html
Presentación del libro Curriculum
Year: 2020
Editorial: Universidad de Navarra
arquitectura ecuatoriana contemporánea 2000-2020
Year: 2020
Editorial: Trama. 14 de noviembre del 2020
Link publication:
Casa Benjamín Carrión fue rehabilitada y ahora será un centro cultural
Year: 2020
Editorial: El Comercio. 12 de noviembre del 2020
Link publication:
- https://www.elcomercio.com/app_public.php/tendencias/casa-benjamin-carrion-rehabilitada-cultura.html
Casa Benjamín Carrión fue rehabilitada y ahora será un centro cultural
Year: 2020
Editorial: El Comercio. 12 de noviembre del 2020
Link publication:
- https://www.elcomercio.com/app_public.php/tendencias/casa-benjamin-carrion-rehabilitada-cultura.html
Casa DA
Year: 2020
Editorial: Trama 158. 11 de junio del 2020
Link of publication:
- https://www.zinio.com/mx-es/revista-trama-arquitectura-diseno-m34180
100 mejores casas de Latinoamercia - Casa Su
Year: 2020
Editorial: El Comercio. 15 de febrero del 2020
Link publication:
- https://www.elcomercio.com/construir/casa-da-cumbaya-sustentable-construir.html
Una vivienda generosa con su entorno
Year: 2020
Editorial: El Comercio. 15 de febrero del 2020
Link publication:
- https://www.elcomercio.com/construir/casa-da-cumbaya-sustentable-construir.html
Casa Pillagua
Year: 2020
Editorial: @jag_studio. Casa en Pillagua de @bernardo_bustamante_patino en Quito, Ecuador.
Link publicaction:
- https://www.instagram.com/p/B4xJEzvh0bX/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
DA House / Bernardo Bustamante Arquitectos
Year: 2020
Editorial: Archdaily. 26 de enero del 2020
Link publication:
El ladrillo, un material cálido y resistente que tiene varios usos
Year: 2020
Editorial: El Comercio. 04 de enero del 2020
Link publication:
- https://www.elcomercio.com/construir/ladrillo-usos-construccion-arquitectura-vivienda.html
Una casa para el relax hecha con recursos tradicionales
Year: 2020
Editorial: El Comercio. 14 de diciembre del 2019
Link publication:
- https://www.elcomercio.com/construir/casa-arquitectura-materiales-construccion-yaruqui.html
Práctica y Docencia - Diseñando con maquetas
Year: 2019
Editorial: Universidad de Las Américas-Carrera de Arquitectura. Septiembre del 2019
Sun Villa
Year: 2019
Editorial: Archello. 19 de agosto del 2019
Link publication:
- https://archello.com/project/sun-villa
Casa Sun Villa
Year: 2019
Editorial: Trama 153. 9 de agosto del 2019
Link publication:
Best Residential Architecture Practice - Ecuador & Best Ecuador Residence Project (Ecuador): Casa Su - Lumbisi
Year: 2019
Editorial: Build. 31 de julio del 2019
Link publication:
- https://www.build-review.com/winners/bernardo-bustamante-arquitectos/
Casa Su
Year: 2019
Editorial: Archello. 9 de julio del 2019
Link publication:
- https://archello.com/project/casa-su
El Guarango House
Year: 2019
Editorial: Archello. 27 de junio 2019
Link publication:
- https://archello.com/project/el-guarango-house
Viviendas que se conectan con el paisaje
Year: 2019
Editorial: El Comercio. CONSTRUIR. 9 de marzo del 2019
Link publication:
- https://www.elcomercio.com/construir/viviendas-paisaje-naturaleza-construccion-arquitectura.html
Bernardo Bustamante Patiño y María Alicia Becdach: ¿Y qué pasó con el Hábitat III?
Year: 2019
Editorial: Viceversa Magazine. 5 de febrero del 2019
Link publication:
- https://www.viceversa-mag.com/bernardo-bustamante-patino-maria-alicia-becdach-habitat-iii/
House in Quito
Year: 2019
Editorial: Archello.
Link publication:
- https://archello.com/project/house-in-quito
La silla clásica se mantiene vigente y útil
Year: 2018
Editorial: El Comercio. CONSTRUIR. 29 de diciembre del 2018
Link publication:
- https://www.elcomercio.com/construir/sillas-clasicas-construir-diseno-mobiliario.html
Excerpt from the publication: "El arquitecto Bernardo Bustamante asegura que los muebles que tienen hasta 100 años, desde su diseño, son pertinentes en espacios contemporáneos por su funcionalidad. Esto, gracias al empleo de materiales como el acero cromado y la vaqueta de cuero que, además, los hacen duraderos. “Son muebles que nunca pasarán de moda, porque aportan con la arquitectura minimalista y el famoso ‘less is more’, de Mies van der Rohe”, dice Bustamante." El comercio, 2018
House Sun Villa in Yaruqui, Ecuador by Bernardo Bustamante Arquitectos
Year: 2018
Editorial: AECCAFE BLOG. December 13 of 2018
Link of the publication:
Sun Villa in Yaruquí by Bernardo Bustamante Arquitectos
Year: 2018
Editorial: 88design. October 22 of 2018
Link of the publication:
- http://88designbox.com/home-design/sun-villa-in-yaruqui-by-bernardo-bustamante-arquitectos-2700.html
Casa Sun Villa / Bernardo Bustamante
Year: 2018
Editorial: Archdaily. October 22 of 2018
Link of the publication:
Casa SU
Year: 2018
Editorial: Trama ediciones #148. Octuber 2018
Efficient use of resources in architecture
Editorial: Key Magazine! edition #81. July - August 2018
Post Description: The quality of architecture can never be synonymous with expensive or unaffordable. The moment we condition quality to the budget of the work, we are limiting our capabilities as professionals.
Publication link:
Casa Estudio de Fotografía
Year: 2018
Editorial: Divisare. June 21 of 2018
Link of the publication:
- https://divisare.com/projects/389319-bernardobustamantearquitectos-casa-estudio-de-fotografia
Casa Su
Year: 2018
Editorial: Divisare. May 29 of 2018
Link of the publication:
- https://bernardobustamantearquitectos.divisare.pro/projects/386948-casa-su
Casa Su / Bernardo Bustamante Arquitectos
Year: 2018
Editorial: Archdaily. May 28 of 2018
Link of the publication:
The natural house of concrete, steel and glass
Editorial: El Comercio 180113, January 13, 2018.
Post Description: Bernardo Bustamante used construction waste for his home. Prefers to show materials without coatings.
Publication link:
- http://www.elcomercio.com/construir/construccion-casa-materiales-natural-alternativas.html
Casa Estudio de Fotografía
Year: 2017
Editorial: Trama ediciones #140. May 2017
Description of the publication: The Photography Studio House is a project that is solved in a synthetic way, where the minimum of operations solve the maximum problems, obtaining a contemporary project at a low cost.
Casas Chiviquí / Bernardo Bustamante
Year: 2017
Editorial: Archdaily. May 30 of 2017
Link of the publication:
Peter Behrens el maestro de los maestros
Year: 2017
Editorial: Trama ediciones #126
Description of the publication: Publication in specialized magazine
Summary: Peter Behrens (1868-1940), the great expressionist architect, master of the main precursors of modern architecture, was in the background for the media development of the movement, led by some of his best-known disciples: Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius and Mies Van der Rohe. Thanks to how well they transmitted the foundations of modern architecture to the world, they managed to forget the roots of their ideology. True parents of modern architecture, such as Loos, Paxton, Sullivan, and Behrens himself have been relegated compared to the second generation.
The ruling class as a determinant of the shape of Quito
Editorial: Territorial Urban Log, Volume 27, Number 3, p. 81-90, 2017. Electronic ISSN 2027-145X. Printed ISSN 0124-7913
Post Description: Publication indexed specialized magazine Scopus, Scielo, Latindex
Summary: This research proposes to contribute to the study of the influence of the dominant classes in the formation of cities, taking Quito as an example. This work focuses on identifying, through interviews and the study of secondary sources, the reasons that led the dominant classes to colonize new neighborhoods and abandon others. Among the causes, the desire to avoid coexistence with new social groups, the increase in density, the need for greater contact with nature and the lack of urban planning stand out. The result of the above is a dispersed city with potential spaces to develop, the result of the neighborhoods that were occupied by the dominant classes, and that define the challenges of architects and urban planners in the city.
UDLA premiada en BAQ2016
Year: 2016
Editorial: Archivo BAQ
Description of the publication: A sight from the proposals of the academy
Link of the publication:
- https://www.clave.com.ec/2017/02/13/udla-premiada-en-baq2016/
Casa el Guarango
Year: 2016
Editorial: Archivo BAQ
Description of the publication: Architectural Design Category
Link of the publication:
- http://www.arquitecturapanamericana.com/casa-el-guarango/
Guarango House
Sustainability at the top of Rumiloma
- Plot editions #135. May 2016
- Trade. Build. 01-16-2016
Post Description: The El Guarango house uses ancestral materials such as brick and stone, and ecological systems.
Publication link:
- http://www.elcomercio.com/tendencias/sostenibilidad-comodidad-alto-rumiloma-casa.html
Casa en Quito - Bernardo Bustamante
Year: 2015
Editorial: ArquiTour. September 2015
Link of the publication:
- http://www.arquitour.com/casa-en-quito-bernardo-bustamante/2015/09/
Casa el Guarango / Bernardo Bustamante
Year: 2015
Editorial: Archdaily. December 30 of 2015
Link of the publication:
Casa La Rivera
Year: 2014
Editorial: Archivo BAQ
Description of the publication: Architectural Design Category
Link of the publication:
Casa Santa Cruz
Year: 2004